Reducing the negative impact of climate change requires a multifaceted approach involving both individual actions and collective efforts at the local, national, and global levels. Here are some ways to reduce the negative impact of climate change:

Reduce carbon emissions:
- We encourage guests to ride bicycles. We have bicycles stationed across from the Wild Orchid Main Building and in front of the Spa.
- We have solar Panels to preheat water.
- We have reduced the amount of oil to generate energy by 30%
- We only use Led builds and energy Efficient Appliances
- Carpooling is encouraged.
- We source fruits and vegetables from local suppliers.
- 25% of our waste is composted onsite.
- Organic waste is given to Pig Farmers.
- Recycling in all departments
- Regular beach and mangrove clean up and Sustainable Education
Plant trees and preserve forests:
- Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so planting trees and preserving forests can help mitigate climate change.
- We have quarterly tree planting exercises with guests and staff.
- Our Green Garden team re-planted dead mangroves and monitored the life cycle. Numerous plants are planted monthly and are taken care of with natural fertilizers.
Promote sustainable agriculture:
Sustainable agriculture practices such as crop rotation, organic farming, and reducing chemical fertilizer use can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve soil health.
- Whenever we go on our supplier visit, this is stressed with the suppliers visited.
- In 2022 we hosted 45 Farmers who was trained on Environmental Health and Safety Practices for the preservation of Fruits, vegetables, and food health.
Reduce waste:
- Waste is reduced from source in all departments.
- We use up food items to reduce the amount of waste being thrown out daily.
- We have a low carbon menu for Breakfast and Lunch. This is also served at Seaside grill.
- We Recycle approximately 80% of recycled waste and donate items that we no longer need to all persons that need the items.
- 40% of total damaged linen is donated Quarterly.
- We reuse damaged linen to make sustainable items and used by entertainment for arts and craft.
Support renewable energy:
- We have solar panels on the executive building of our property to preheat water.
Educate others:
- We educate staff, guest and community members about climate change and its impacts can help raise awareness and encourage actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Advocate for policy change:
- We have partnered with the JHTA and the JHTA Sustainability arm.
Conserve energy:
- We can conserve energy by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using natural light whenever possible, and adjusting our thermostats to conserve energy.
Conserve water:
- We can conserve water by fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, and using low-flow showerheads and toilets.
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